The recent interview with Lost At E Minor has provided an excellent boost to Hidden Lives. A few other links, postings and mentions are also helping drive entries towards the 800 mark. Here are a few links:
- The fun and creative Inspire Me Thursday posted about Hidden Lives yesterday.
- The NYC-based blog A Little Bit Harder seems like a fan of the site.
- The techmate blog on innovation in Australia somehow came across and featured Hidden Lives.
And I also submitted my own post promoting Hidden Lives to the interesting random magazine.
Friday, May 25, 2007
Some More Mentions
Tuesday, May 22, 2007
Another Hidden Lives Entry
creative surprises - new colourful images or sounds or tastes to jumpstart reality - pockets of others' lives that you catch a glimpse of - they flip your head around and remind you of your smallness and of the cotidian beauty available everywhere for our sampling. These moments are fleeting and beautiful, singular and they resist linear time constructions and are therefore replete with true meaning for me.
Friday, May 18, 2007
The 700th Hidden Lives Entry
If I wasn't stuck behind this desk...
I would be on a train trip. But I can't blame the desk, only myself for that one...
Wednesday, May 16, 2007
The Intimate Revelations of "ham"
I have not featured a specific user before, just individual entries, however a recently registered user really caught my eye. Here are some of her beautiful entries.

Before I die I will. . . drink instant coffee in a laundromat, jump into a pile of leaves, eat all the ice-cream in the world and sit on the sidewalk watching 'it' all go by.
When I'm alone I. . . close my eyes and dance
I wish the world was. . . flat, and that the sun revolved around us, that unicorns were real and that at the end of every rainbow there would be dancing leprechauns with pots of gold.
You can check out all 17 of "ham's" entries here.
Interview with Lost At E Minor
The ever inspiring and beautiful Lost At E Minor recently interviewed me about Hidden Lives. Here are a few excerpts:
LAEM: What led you to start it?Read the entire interview here. And I would recommend subscribing to their weekly dose of pop culture and creative goodness.
JM: I was reflecting on notions of identity and authentic voice - as I am prone to do - and my mind kept returning to the extraordinary gap between how we are perceived externally and our own inner awareness. I wanted to explore this somehow but did not know where to start. . .
LAEM: What are your plans for the site?
JM: At its core, I want Hidden Lives to become a unique, collaborative artwork brimming with intimate, beautiful and moving self-expressions from people all over the world. As to whether that artwork exists solely online, or in gallery exhibitions, public art displays or in hardcopy publications, well… I am keeping an open mind. Suffice to say, being in the 'big future thinking' phase is plenty of fun. . .
Tuesday, May 8, 2007
Pssst. Share a Secret.
One of the issues facing Hidden Lives is that while people might love and enjoy unveiling themselves to the world, directly telling their friends about the site might make them feel uncomfortable (even with a made-up screen name).
This is the reason behind adding the pssst...share the secret function to the site. It appears on every page of the site, towards the bottom right of every page as you can see here.This function allows you to send an anonymous email to up 5 of your friends, letting them know about Hidden Lives. Hopefully this will help people spread the word about the site without their anonymity being put at risk.
So go ahead, share the Hidden Lives secret!