Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Early Blog Coverage of Hidden Lives

These sites below link directly to the early references to the launch of Hidden Lives.

1. The first blog linking to Hidden Lives was Zern Liew from eicolab. And yes, he is a friend! But his site(s) are well worth a visit for a new take on creativity and business.

2. A close second was Andy Polaine whose Playpen blog on education, interactivity and emerging cultural forms is most certainly worth a visit. Andy is also a co-founder of the Omnium Creative Network.

3. Next come the excellent and influential Indian tech tips site by Amit Agarwal at the Digital Inspiration blog. Amit was the first to compare Hidden Lives to the Post Secret phenomenon.

4. And then there was this brief post on Pro Web Art.

5. And another quick reference at A Day In The Life... .

6. By this time the traffic was slowly building and it was certainly given a boost by The Blog Herald's detailed review and post 'Do You Have a Hidden Life?'.

I'll try to post some more blog coverage in coming weeks as it is an interesting experiment in tracking.

It must be noted that in the first couple of weeks, for all the blog mentions, the biggest boost to the site - without a doubt - has actually been the traffic flowing from the brilliant StumbleUpon site. A new discovery for me and one that is an essential web surfing tool.

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